CashmanCo works with innovators in tech, media, marketing, and entertainment.

Our clients are the people and companies changing how brands show up and how consumers engage. They don’t fit a mold or a category—often, they are breaking one.

There’s often no standard playbook for our clients. And they need a partner able to run alongside them, keeping pace with ideas and results that are as dynamic as the work they’re doing.

Bold moves require bold partners.

Traditional PR partners are awesome for traditional companies and thinkers, relying on safe bets and quick wins to continue to check boxes.

But, innovators, disruptors, and rabble-rousers require someone else by their side. Our clients turn to us not only as PR specialists but as thought partners. 

We don’t take a cookie-cutter approach or a one-size-fits-all framework. We uncover your company’s or leaders’ unique value propositions, stories, and key talking points. From there, we craft compelling narratives and smart strategies that are truly executable to help you stand out in ways that your competitors are not and step up as an industry authority.